Gutsy adventurous dog walk.

How do you prepare your dog for a walk?

1. Build endurance

Everyone needs to train for a marathon, even your dog. A dog may seem in shape, but you still need to prepare for your ultimate dog walk. We recommend taking longer walks or running with your dog. Build up the distance and pace.

A day at the beach, where your furry friend can go for a crazy exhausting run on the sand, works wonders.

Build up the walk yourself by going to your favorite park and going off the path.

2. Buy the right equipment.

Bowls and bottles are the keys to keeping your furry friend hydrated and fed at all times. These walks may take longer than expected, so make sure you are prepared to feed all parties during the walk. Make sure you buy a two-in-one feeder that can hold enough water and food.

You can attach a small pouch to your belt or backpack to give treats to your brave dog. Don't forget that the ridiculously delicious Chicken Munchies are sufficient as a treat, you don't have to give your dog other and fattier snacks.

For the walk itself, we recommend a fluorescent Y-harness with a long leash, so that your dog always feels comfortable and can walk around safely. Anything other than a Y-harness can be very uncomfortable for your dog and very painful in extreme situations. I don't want to jinx your walk, but you know what they say, prepare for the worst.... Speaking of the worst, put a tag with your phone number and your dog's name on the harness. Enough about the worst. Case scenario talks.

If you're planning on going for a night walk, don't forget to buy some lights for your dog, just to raise awareness among the people around. That you are indeed walking your attack dog.

3. What's wrong with bowel movements?

This is a very important question and we have the right answer for you. If you go for a walk, make sure you take the poop bags with you and throw them in a trash can if one can be found. Since you are trekking in the middle of nature, perhaps take a box or backpack with you that can be closed so that the smell does not follow you everywhere.

If you'll be gone for several days, bring a shovel for digging. Important disclaimer: bury it at least 8 inches deep. We hope we have answered the burning question that was on everyone's lips, but that no one dared to ask.

4. Find the right track.

There are several sites where you can find great walks, even sites where they recommend walks that are dog friendly, but beware of walks with sharp rocks... We'll list the links below this blog for you. Your dog will have a great time either way, just make sure you choose a walk that you are willing to do with the right scenery and conditions.


