A Gutsy Subscription



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A Gutsy Subscription

Enjoy an adventure subscription together with your favorite four-legged friend in 3 steps.

Step of Gutsy subscription image


Go to the shop and choose your desired products

Here you can choose your amount of kibble you want.

Step of Gutsy subscription image


At purchase option select subscribe & save 50% off on first order

Select your delivery period and add your order to cart or buy now.

Step of Gutsy subscription image


Go to checkout and fill in your delivery details

Finalize your payment and enjoy your home-delivered, delicious Gutsy.

They already joined the pack

Quinn is crazy about Gutsy. She has never emptied her bowl so quickly. Best of all, she doesn't even realize that she is doing her part for the climate.

Sofie & Quinn

Nono is a proud mother of 4 fantastic puppies. With Gutsy, we have found a perfectly balanced diet for the whole family.

Manon & Nono

We had to search for a long time for the right food for Henry as he is allergic to all kinds of ingredients, but thanks to Gutsy's hypoallergenic dog food, these allergies are a thing of the past.

Tom & Henry